拡張でも縮小でもなく、感染症対策に拘ったオフィスにしたいという理由で同規模の新オフィスへの移転プロジェクト。溢れかえる感染症に対する情報の中から効果のある施策を精査し、必要な対策は大胆に取り入れた。特に床材は国内オフィスでは類を見ないほど大規模にリノリウムへと張替えた。社名の由来でもある「コロニー」をモチーフに架空の街角をイメージして空間を構成し、シンプルな素材感ながら、ユニークな壁の形状 やリズミカルな天井のパターンでゲーム会社ならではのユニークさやエンターテイ メント性を表現した。
Photo: Nacasa & Partners
The reason for this relocation was neither expansion nor down sizing, but to create a hygienic office environment thoughtfully designed to prevent infectious diseases. Out of numerous amount of information related to infectious diseases, the effective practices were carefully selected , and those thought to be required were taken into design. The most outstanding procedure was the linoleum flooring, in such a large area that cannot be found in offices elsewhere.
Based off of a word “Colony”, from which the company name originated, we structured the space as if to create an imaginary town. The material finish is kept simple, yet the uniqueness and the entertainment of this gaming company is well presented by walls built in extraordinary forms and ceiling with rhythmical patterns.
Photo: Nacasa & Partners