ビジネスエアポート京橋の裏通りにはたくさんの画廊があります。江戸時代には木材や竹細工の職人が集まっていたらしい。そんな歴史と9フロアの構成からKyobashi Culture Complexというコンセプトで今の感覚に相応しい和のコワーキングスペースを目指しました。DIYやソーイング、ペットなど多様なコンテンツを木組みや切り子細工をモチーフにした木調空間の中に落とし込んでいます。
Photo: Nacasa & Partners
On the back street of the Business Airport Kyobashi, are number of art galleries. In the Edo peirod the area was commonly known for woodworks and bamboo craftsmanship. With respect to the historical background and the unique structure of the space, we came up with a concept of "Kyobachi Culture Complex" and designed this 9 storied co-working space in a Japanese style that suits the intuition of present day. The wooden interior features "Kigumi", Japanese traditional wood joints, and "Kiriko-zaiku", Japanese traditional cutwork, as motifs representing various contents such as DIY, sewing and pets.
Photo: Nacasa & Partners