Business-Airport Kudanshita
Transition- 移行、推移、変遷 -
物事を広い視点で捉え、異なる二つの世界を自由に行き来しながら、ビジネス を加速させていく。そんなビジネスパーソンのためのシェアオフィス。

Photo: Nacasa & Partners / Hajime Kato / SIGNAL
Art: Marie Nohara
Art: Direction by ArtPlace Inc.
Transition - shift, conversion, changeover
Housed in a building with great historical backgroud, we designed the space to look back to its history, to look forward to its future and to look into its transitioning process in between.
"Object" and "Information"
"Ownership" and "Sharing"
"Stability" and "Innovation"
"Accumulation" and "Circulation"
"Organisation" and "Individual"
"Success" and "Pleasure"
"History" and "Future"

This shared office is designed for business people who accelerates their business by seeing things from a broad perspective, and by moving back and forth between two different stages.

Photo: Nacasa & Partners / Hajime Kato / SIGNAL
Art: Marie Nohara
Art: Direction by ArtPlace Inc.